For the first time, (MA&UD) Municipal Administration & Urban Development Special Chief Secretary and Metropolitan Commissioner Arvind Kumar levied a penalty of Rs.10,000 each on four officials from Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) for negligence while performing duties.
The penalty was imposed on three assistant planning officers and a Tahsildar after the Metropolitan Commissioner found out that the officials did not clear files as per the prescribed timeframe mentioned under the Telangana State Building Permission Approval and Self-Certification System (TS-bPASS).
applications were pending for around 16 to 27 days. The penalty was imposed after careful examination. Another reason for levying penalty is to make sure such incidents are not repeated in future,” the HMDA said in a press release.
The State government had introduced the TS-bPASS, a single integrated platform for processing various permissions required during the development of land and construction of buildings through a self-certification system. Providing the services within a stipulated timeline is one of the main objectives of TS-bPASS. Telangana is the first State in the country to provide such complete online services with no touchpoint.