A festive atmosphere prevails across Hyderabad city with the Milad-un-Nabi, the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammed to be held tomorrow. The Milad-un-Nabi is celebrated on the 12 day of the Islamic month of Rabi-ul-Awal.
To celebrate the occasion, several programmes are organised during the first fortnight of the month by different religious organisations, youth clubs and individuals. Right from religious meetings to blood donation camps, events are lined up for the next one week in different areas of the city.
Similarly, the committees of various mosques are organizing religious meetings and
Islamic-related topic quiz, elocution, poetry competitions for children.
At some places, the youth had put up banners and flags to decorate the streets. However, the community elders appealed to the public not to spend heavily on decoration and instead come forward to help the families who were affected by the Covid19 pandemic especially the orphans and widows.
A procession will be taken out on the Milad-un- Nabi on Tuesday in which different religious organisations will participate. Similarly, blood donation camps, food camps and religious meetings are also planned for that day.