TRS working president and Minister KT Rama Rao launched a scathing attack on BJP State president Bandi Sanjay who commenced his Praja Sangrama Yatra in Palamuru region, notwithstanding the discrimination of the BJP-led union government towards the region. He demanded that Sanjay should first apologise to people of Palamuru for the Centre’s refusal to sanction national project status to Palamuru-Rangareddy Lift Irrigation Scheme (PRLIS), before taking the next step.

“Rather than naming his padayatra as Praja Sangrama Yatra, Bandi Sanjay should call it Praja Vanchana Yatra for making false promises and cheating people. There is nothing more deceptive than Bandi Sanjay starting his padayatra from Palamuru region. Sanjay has no moral right to step into Palamuru region, which was repeatedly betrayed by the Centre in terms of sanction of funds, negligence towards approval of projects and also national project status to PRLIS,” he said.

In an open letter to Sanjay, Rama Rao said while the union government led by the BJP was discriminating Telangana especially Palamuru region by not sanctioning national project status to Palamuru-Rangareddy LIS,

the BJP State leaders were trying to blame the State government for the same and misleading the people for political mileage. He demanded to know why the Centre was dilly-dallying with allocation of Telangana’s share in Krishna River waters and betraying farmers of erstwhile Mahabubnagar district.

The TRS working president reminded that the Centre which sanctioned national project status to Upper Bhadra in another BJP-ruled Karnataka, was not extending similar support to Palamuru-Rangareddy LIS located in Telangana. “Why does the BJP have this grudge towards Telangana? Injustice is being meted out to the State at every juncture even before Telangana was formed. Neither the promises made under Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act were fulfilled nor the recommendations of NITI Aayog to provide additional funds and grants to the State for its performance,” he stated.

Rama Rao said injustice was being meted out by the BJP government at the Centre at every step. He reminded that the union government was directing the States to fix meters to agriculture power connections, not procuring the crops and also resorting to divisive politics in the State.
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