Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Sunday directed officials to ensure that State government’s flagship project, Mission Bhagiratha, aimed at providing safe drinking water to every household in rural areas in the state, should first start from Dalitwadas in each village.
“My wish is that this prestigious project should begin from the colonies of SCs in each village. We should first provide potable water to each household of dalits and STs. Only then should we concentrate on providing drinking water to other households in each village,” the chief minister remarked.
Rao held a meeting with the officials concerned and reviewed the progress of Mission Bhagiratha, the Telangana Water Grid Scheme, at his camp office here on Sunday.  He asked the officers to take measures to complete this ambitious project by December, 2017. He further directed the officials of irrigation

department to take steps to complete laying of internal pipelines and construction of overhead tanks in each village prior to the deadline.
The chief minister asked the ministers and collectors of all districts to extensively undertake field visits to regularly monitor the ongoing works of Mission Bhagiratha in each district. “The biggest task in this entire project is the fixing of water taps in each household. So, formulate an action plan to expedite the process of fixing taps in each house,” he ordered.
According to the Chief Minister, safe drinking water should be provided to about one crore households in rural areas of the State. Hence, he directed the officials of irrigation department to take steps to construct intake wells, water treatment plants and laying of internal pipelines in every village as soon as possible so as to finish the entire project by 2017.

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