Nalgonda: Mystery shrouds the finding of a severed head at the feet of Kalimata idol in Mettu Mahankali temple on the outskirts of Gollapalli village on Monday morning. The decapitated head was found at the feet of the Kalimata idol triggering suspicions of it being a human sacrifice. Police have not commented on the human sacrifice angle, but it is being construed as one of the angles for investigation.
Sunyapahad Thanda in Suryapet district. What deepened the mystery was that the trunk of the murdered man was not yet found. It appeared as if, the head was severed with a very sharp-edged weapon. Another interesting angle to the unfolding mystery was that Jahendar was stated to be mentally challenged and had abandoned his home some four years ago.
Preliminary investigations have revealed that
Jahendar was panhandling near different temples. Police were unable to establish the motive behind the gruesome killing.
Apparently, he was killed somewhere else, his head severed and brought to the temple to be abandoned. It was not yet clear as to whether a single person was responsible for the murder or there were more accomplices. The dumping of the severed head in a temple could also be a ploy to mislead the police, investigators suspect.
Considering the beheading, police suspect that a recent clash between some people hailing from Bihar working in a poultry farm at Kurmedu a few days ago could have also led to the murder. Special teams have been formed and a canine squad has been pressed into service to pick up any scent of the assailant. Investigation is in progress.