Sub-Inspector Srinu Naik (32) posted in Vikarabad police station and his father Manya Naik (50) were travelling in an auto which was hit by an oncoming an RTC bus late in the evening. Both the father and the son died instantly.
Police said they belonged to Manya Naik thanda of Madugula mandal in Mahaboobnagar district.
The police officer got
married on December 26 and was returning from his in-laws place after attending a ‘vidibiyyam’ ritual in his in-laws place in Palle Thanda of Ranga Reddy district.
Srinu Naik’s father earns out his living as an auto driver and he sustained an injury on his hand last week. Hence, Srinu Naik was driving the auto rickshaw owned by his father, when the accident occured.