The night temperature in Hyderabad and its neighbouring districts increased marginally on Sunday. The average minimum temperature in the city at 14.4 degree Celsius, which was one degree Celsius more than what was recorded on the previous day, and yet it remained three degrees below the expected range. Rajendranagar recorded the lowest minimum temperature of 11.3 degree Celsius.
According to the data recorded at various Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) by Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS), the night
temperature is likely to soar by two to four degrees in almost every part of the city from Monday. The maximum temperature in the city during the period is expected to range from 30 degree Celsius to 32 degree Celsius.
Meanwhile, the minimum temperature in several parts of the State, especially the northern districts, plummeted below 10 degree Celsius. Adilabad recorded the lowest minimum temperature of 6.7 degree Celsius. The temperatures are likely to gradually soar over the next week.