The filing of nominations for the first phase of Panchayat Raj elections to 4,480 of 12,732 gram panchayats will commence from Monday. The officials have made elaborate arrangements for the first phase of polling scheduled to be held on January 21. Elections are being held for a total 12,732 gram panchayats including about 3,500 newly upgraded gram panchayats largely comprising tribal hamlets. However, elections to about 19 gram panchayats will not be held due to various factors including the remaining tenure of the existing elected representatives. 

The second phase and third phase of polls will be held from January 11 for the remaining gram panchayats. While the second phase of polls will conclude on January 25, the third phase will conclude on January 30.

The State Election Commission (SEC) made elaborate arrangements for the elections and had already conducted necessary training programmes for the polling where ballot papers will be used for the election of sarpanch and ward members. In all, elections to about 1.26 lakh ward members and sarpanch posts would be held in 12,732 gram panchayats. Arrangements have been made for peaceful and smooth conduct of the polls. The police forces have been deployed to maintain law and order situation as well as tight security at the strong rooms. Officials made transport and other arrangements for the polling personnel to carry necessary polling material to the polling booths in the villages.
As per norms, contestants must submit their nominations between 10.30 am to 5 pm on January 7, 8 and 9. Scrutiny of the nominations will

be held on January 10, while nominations can be withdrawn on January 13. 

The ballot paper with a final list of candidates contesting in the elections will be published on the same day. The results also will be announced for all the villages on the same day after the polling and the deputy sarpanch will be elected by the elected ward members immediately. For the first time, the candidates for panchayat elections have been directed to open a bank account and make all the elections-related expenditure from that account. Necessary instructions have been issued to the bankers to open separate accounts for the contestants. The opening bank account is mandatory for all candidates, contesting either as panchayat sarpanch or ward members.

The ruling TRS is making all-out efforts to win a maximum number of gram panchayats unanimously into its account. The Congress, which saw a large number of second-rung leaders switch loyalties to the ruling party in the recent election to State Legislative Assembly, is finding it difficult to find candidates to contest the gram panchayat polls. The SEC officials also opened a grievance/complaint cell at their office in AC Guards where the contestants can get their doubts clarified and also lodge complaints pertaining to distribution money, liquor and other valuables to voters. The complainants can contact phone number ‘040-29802895’ during the regular office hours and also from 9 pm at night to 9 am next day morning. The officials concerned will be deployed to initiate action into the complaints received.

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