In a major development, the All India Industrial Exhibition famously known as Numaish has been suspended till January 10. This decision comes in wake of the latest Government order prohibiting the the mass gathering and cultural events across the state till January 10.
On January 1, Telangana Governor Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan had inaugurated the 45 day Numaish at exhibition grounds and the same day the chief secretary passed a G.O “strictly prohibiting” rallies, public meetings and mass gatherings of all types including religious, political and cultural events to control the spread
of the virus.
Amid exponentially spread of the number of cases of Omicron and COVID-19 across India and other countries, therefore the Government felt that it is important to exercise utmost precaution and adequate preventive measures have to be taken to prevent its further spread and passed orders for prohibtion of gatherings.
“In wake of the latest Government order prohibiting the rallies and gathering, the society has decided to suspend the Numaish-2022 till January 10, a decision to resume it will be taken later” said Ashwin Margam secretary exhibition society.