Three persons, who were organizing an online gaming betting racket, were arrested on Saturday by the SR Nagar police, who seized Rs.1.15 crore from them.
The arrested persons were Vishal Patel (42), Kamlesh Rawat (42) and Patel Hitesh Ambala (28), all residents of Gowliguda and natives of Gujarat. The main organizer Dharmesh Bhai of Gujarat, was absconding.
According to the police, Patel and Rawat were organizing the online betting through ‘’ and collecting money from punters, who had to pay a certain amount as deposit to get an ID and password to
play online games and place bets. Patel and Rawat collected money from punters and handed it over to Ambala who in turn sent it to Dharmesh,” DCP (West) Joel Davis said.
After every game, depending on the outcome, the profit or loss amount was sent from the bookie to the punters or vice versa via online payment modes. “Initially, a few lakhs were seized from the organizers following a raid at a lodge in Gowliguda. Later, during investigation, we came to know about more money stashed at a place and it was seized,” the DCP said, adding that special teams were formed to nab Dharmesh Bhai.