More than 40,000 individuals above 18 years age received the Covid vaccines during a mega vaccination drive held at Hitex Grounds, Madhapur on Sunday. For the day-long vaccination drive organised by Medicover Hospitals, Cyberabad Police Commissionerate and Society for Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC), elaborate arrangements were made including engaging three halls which included one set aside exclusively for the senior citizens.
The Covid vaccination administration drive was inaugurated by Director of Public Health (DPH) Dr G Srinivasa Rao in the presence of Cyberabad Police Commissioner, VC Sajjanar and local public representatives.
Executive Director, Medicover Group of Hospitals, Hari Krishna said a total of
300 vaccination stations were set-up in the three halls. “We also engaged 700 nurses and arranged a five-bed emergency facility in case of any emergencies. Ten ambulances were kept ready to transport any emergency patients to the hospitals. About 300 administration staff of Medicover and 150 volunteers from SCSC were roped-in for management of vaccine initiative,” he said.
Individuals, who had earlier registered with CoWIN application, had to walk-in, pay the cost of the vaccine through a QR code and get vaccinated, a process that got concluded within a matter of few minutes. Covaxin, developed by city-based Bharat Biotech was available for administration during the mega vaccination drive.