In a surprise move, Pocharam Srinivas Reddy joined the Congress in the presence of chief minister A Revanth Reddy on Friday. This would change the political equations in Nizamabad and Kamareddy districts. Pocharam began his political career with the Congress party. After the inception of Telugu Desam, in the early 1980s, he joined it. He served as cabinet minister in Telugu Desam government during united Andhra Pradesh. In 2010, Pocharam joined the TRS party while as the Banswada MLA. Later, he won the seat as
BRS MLA in a byelection.
Srinivas Reddy's sons Pocharam Bhaskar Reddy and Pocharam Surender Reddy are also active in politics and their political future has stabilised with the father joining the Congress party. The followers of Pocharam Srinivas Reddy expected that he might be inducted into the state cabinet under the undivided Nizamabad district quota. At present, there is no representation from the district in the state cabinet.