Wanaparthy: Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Tuesday said the State government, after successfully tackling the critical issues of water and power in Telangana was now focusing on education, another key component of development. “To give a thrust to the education sector, we launched the ”Mana Ooru-Mana Badi’ programme from Wanaparthy,” the Chief Minister said.
Speaking after inaugurating the newly-constructed Integrated District Collectorate Complex, Chandrashekhar Rao, observing that Palamuru region was no more a drought-prone area, said: “Eight years ago, we used to see buses in Mahabubnagar leaving for Mumbai with people seeking livelihood elsewhere. But today, the region has undergone a major transformation following increased agricultural operations,” he said.
Pointing out that Telangana was number one in various sectors, he said the State, which faced uncertainty in power supply, had taken the top spot in the country in per capita power consumption. Quoting figures from the Socio Economic Outlook – 2022, he said Telangana was also in the forefront in per capita income and Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP). “It is the only State in the country to provide water to every household. The State is progressing on all sectors with all your cooperation,” the Chief Minister said.
Stating that others were envious of Telangana’s development, Chandrashekhar Rao said: “Many people believed that the State would slip into darkness after statehood. They said we lack administrative skills. After the
formation of State, the situation has completely changed now,” he said, adding that Telangana was ahead of States like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka in per capita income.
Pointing out that in undivided Andhra Pradesh the peak energy load in 23 districts was 13,600 MW which after State formation, had shot up to 14,000 MW in Telangana districts alone. The Energy Department, he said, was ready to meet future demand even if more industries come up in the State.
“One by one, we have improved infrastructure facilities including water and power. We are also strengthening irrigation and once the Palamuru-Rangareddy Lift Irrigation Scheme is completed, the problems of Palamuru will be solved once and for all,” he said.
Stating that he was proud to have a friend like Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy who always strived for the development of the district, he said that under his leadership, everyone should work effectively. “We should not relax with the development that has taken place so far and more works should be taken up for the district’s development,” he said.
The Chief Minister also announced Rs 1 crore for Wanaparthy town, Rs 50 lakh each for other municipalities and Rs 20 lakh each for all gram panchayats in the district from the Chief Minister’s relief fund. He asked Niranjan Reddy to take up rejuvenation of forest in the district and improve nurseries in villages, avenue plantation and transform Wanaparthy into ‘Bangaruparthy’.