Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Saturday announced that the new pattadar passbooks will be distributed to farmers simultaneously in all the districts on March 11. The President of India or Prime Minister would be invited for the launch of the massive programme aimed at issue of new passbooks throughout the State, he said.
The State government conducted a massive land record purification exercise that was unique in the country and now total information base pertaining to the land holdings of the different categories was ready with the government. All these details will be made available in public domain very soon. Dharani, the website with the complete information on land records would be maintained on the lines of core banking
The Chief Minister had a marathon review meeting with revenue officials at Pragathi Bhavan on the land purification drive. Later, he announced that a very transparent and effective land registration system would be introduced soon in the State. The new system would come into effect from March 11 and land registration facility would be extended to the Mandal revenue offices from the same date.
He informed that senior IAS officer Vakati Karuna who has been appointed Director CCLA was given additional charge as Commissioner of Stamps and Registrations so as to achieve better coordination between the Revenue Department as well as Department of Registrations which have now been jointly tasked with land registrations.