The Pattana Pragathi programme this year in the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) limits will commence on May 20 and will continue till June 5. The series of works that will be taken up under the programme include precautionary and preventive measures against seasonal diseases, sanitation and solid waste management, and Telangana Ku Haritha Haram activities.
Mayor G Vijaya Laxmi and GHMC Commissioner, DS Lokesh Kumar held a meeting here on Tuesday and briefed the officials about the Pattana Pragathi action plan. The Commissioner and Mayor said that the activities under the programme are aimed at improving the living conditions of people.
activities proposed under Pattana Pragathi include preventive measures on seasonal diseases, measures to prevent stagnation of water in government schools, hospitals, Anganwadi centres, anti-larval operations and fogging.
Similarly, under the ‘sanitation and solid waste management’ activity that will be taken up as part of Pattana Pragathi, cleaning and sweeping will be done in the entire city, GHMC officials said.
Meanwhile, under Telangana Ku Haritha Haram, plantation drives in avenues, medians and other public places will be taken up, the plan is to ensure more than 85 percent survival rate of the saplings.