Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Sunday said there was no room for laxity when it comes to following the lockdown norms by the public or its implementation by the official machinery given the fact that the number of Covid-19 positive cases in the State had gone up considerably by 28 besides two deaths reported on Sunday.

Urging people to be more cautious than before and the official machinery concerned to be more vigilant, the Chief Minister said there was an increase in the spread of coronavirus both in the State as well as in the country.

“If we observe developments across the world, in the country and in Telangana, it is clear that coronavirus is spreading and there is no sign of it stopping. On Sunday, coronavirus positive cases increased considerably. In Telangana State, besides 28 new cases, two persons died due to the virus. The situation is scary in neighbouring Maharashtra. There is an increase in positive cases all over the country with the death toll also increasing,” the Chief Minister, who held a high-level meeting at Pragathi Bhavan here, said.

“It is precisely for this reason that we decided to extend the lockdown period. People should understand the intensity of the situation and confine themselves to their homes as much as possible,” he said, adding that if at all they need to step out, they should maintain social distancing strictly. “Personal hygiene is also a must, and in case anyone has any doubts, they should immediately go for tests,” he said.

Pointing out that the government had identified places where coronavirus positive cases had surfaced, he said

special measures have implemented in such places. “People should cooperate in the implementation of these measures. To prevent the spread of the virus, merely the measures initiated by the government are not sufficient. People should follow the instructions and guidelines given by the government to the last letter and spirit. Only this will help in preventing the spread of the virus,” Chandrashekhar Rao said, reiterating that the spread of coronavirus spread was real, and people should be more vigilant and cautious than before.

Directing the official machinery to be on high alert, he said tests should be conducted whenever they come across people with symptoms. “Collect data about primary and secondary contacts of all coronavirus positive patients and their movements. Conduct tests on them. Increase checks at inter-State borders and step up restrictions,” he said.

The Chief Minister said that while identification of Markaz returnees and conducting tests on them was going on, he said that in case someone had missed the test, they voluntarily come forward and get tested for the virus. “This is for their own safety and for the safety and well-being of their family members. Coronavirus spread can be stopped if people remain in their homes and are more vigilant,” the Chief Minister said.

The six-hour review meeting was held from 3 pm and was attended by Medical and Health Minister Etela Rajender, Chief Advisor Rajiv Sharma, Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar, DGP Mahender Reddy, Principal Secretaries S Narsing Rao, Ramakrishna Rao and Janardhan Reddy, among others.

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