 Telangana State turned six on Tuesday, and Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, looking back at the short but eventful journey, remarked that it had taken off on expected lines. “People’s aspirations are being fulfilled as promised and I am satisfied with the progress and development taking place in the fields of education, health, industries, IT, irrigation, agriculture and several other sectors,” the Chief Minister, who led people across the State in muted celebrations on account of the coronavirus scare, said.

Chandrashekhar Rao, in a brief speech after paying floral tributes to those who sacrificed their lives for the Statehood cause at Martyrs Memorial in the Gun Park and hoisting the national flag at Pragathi Bhavan, conveyed his greetings to the people on the occasion of State Formation Day. He declared that the government would rededicate itself for the allround development of the State and welfare of the people. Issues that were pending for years were being solved and problems that plagued Telangana before Statehood were being addressed successfully, he said.

“When the State was formed, farmers and agriculture

in general were in dire straits. But now, Telangana State has taken the number one position in the country in agriculture. Earlier, people used to suffer for want of drinking water during summers, but now the problem has been solved forever with the implementation of Mission Bhagiratha,” Chandrashekhar Rao said.

Rajya Sabha members K Keshav Rao, K R Suresh Reddy, Chief Advisor Rajiv Sharma, Advisor Anurag Sharma, Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar, DGP Mahender Reddy, ACB DG Purnachandra Rao, Mayor Bonthu Rammohan, Deputy Mayor Baba Fasiuddin, MLAs Jeevan Reddy, Nagender, Athram Sakku, Rythu Bandhu State president Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, MLCs Karne Prabhakar, Srinivas Reddy, Planning Commission Vice-Chairman B Vinod Kumar, TSIIC Chairman G Bala Mallu, TSCSC Chairman Mareddy Srinivas Reddy and CMO officials participated in the flag hoisting ceremony.

Meanwhile, Ministers, elected representatives and district officials across the State participated in the Formation Day celebrations. They paid tributes to the Statehood martyrs and unfurled the national flag in their respective districts.

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