Retired superintendent of police P. Radha Kishan Rao on Friday fainted and collapsed during the second day of interrogation over the mass phone tapping during the BRS government tenure. Police immediately brought in doctors and provided medical assistance to him and allowed him to relax for two hours, before resuming the session A team of senior officers questioned the retired officer at Banjara Hills police station to secure leads in the phone tapping case, where he allegedly played a key role by colluding with suspended SIB DSP G. Praneeth Rao.

Radha Kishan Rao, former DCP of task force, was questioned in connection with the shifting of valuable material from the old Secretariat during the demolition to the Hyderabad

Central Crime Station (CCS) where some police officers joined with Radha Kishan Rao in doing favours to several political leaders. Radha Kishan Rao allegedly brought pressure on several businessmen to provide huge funds to a political party in the form of electoral bonds and cash by disclosing loopholes in business activities after tapping their phones. 

The investigation officers also focused on a complaint lodged against Radha Kishan Rao in Kukatpally police limits in connection with threatening a victim in connection with a civil dispute. To avoid untoward incidents, police officers have recorded video while questioning the retired SP in the police station.

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