ONGOLE: Prakasam crime branch police took two persons into custody as they were allegedly trying to sell a 'high-value and ancient' idol of Panchmukhi Ganapathi, in Yerragondapalem town on Saturday.
According to information, the accused had come to the town with the idol from Hyderabad, and were about to sell the statue for Rs 25 crore to a party. The police foiled the duo's plan in the last
minute, and took them into custody from Vinukonda Road of the town. Later, they were handed over to the Yerragondapalem police.
"One of the two in custody, D Indrasena Reddy, claimed that the idol is his family property and he is the legal owner of it, for which he even has orders from the High Court. He said that he brought the statue here to keep it in a relative's custody," SI G Kotaiah said