Hyderabad police on Friday arrested two youth for allegedly taking video of a woman changing clothes in a trial room at a shopping mall.
The incident occurred at H&M Shopping Mall in posh Jubilee Hills area, police said.
The accused, present in a cubicle, was taking video of the woman from above when she was changing clothes in the adjacent cubicle. Noticing this, she raised an alarm and people present in the mall caught hold of the youth.
After receiving the information, personnel from Jubilee Hills Police Station rushed to the mall and took the accused into custody.
A police officer said they seized the mobile phone of the accused and were
investigating if they were involved in similar activity at any other place.
The police also arrested the store manager for alleged negligence leading to the incident. “We will take action against the all three as per law,” said Joint Commissioner of Police A.R. Srinivas.
The two accused, who had come to the mall as customers, entered into the trial area meant for women and were present in the cubicle next to the one where the woman was changing clothes.
The police officer said since the store had not taken the adequate precautions, the manager was also booked in the case.
This is the second such incident in Jubilee Hills in one and a half months.