Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said the State, which was successful in creation of wealth, would share the benefits with all sections of its people. The BRS had promised to ensure higher pay scales to its employees compared to Central government employees and would announce the PRC to revise their scales soon.

Stating that the government had many more initiatives in consideration, he said it would also look into the scope of further enhancing other welfare scheme benefits in due course.

Earlier, asserting that the Bharat Rashtra Samiti would continue in power in the State winning the ensuing polls with a bigger mandate, he said the party would improve its tally by seven to eight seats this time. The BRS was no B team to any political party in the country.

As the party made its foray into Maharashtra, a jittery Sharad Pawar had started criticizing the BRS and called it a B team of the BJP. But within no time, his Nationalist Congress Party had joined the BJP-led alliance in the State.

The BRS which came into existence with

secular credentials as a party for the people, would continue to be the same. It would continue its friendly relations with the AIMIM. The performance of the party speaks volumes for it. The per capita income of the State today was Rs.3.12 lakh compared to Rs.2.19 lakh of AP. The difference in per capita income of the two States was close to Rs.1 lakh.

Telangana was way ahead of States like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Haryana in performance indicators. The production of food grains had touched three crore tons and it was projected to go up to four crores by next year because of the support given to the farmers and extension of irrigation facilities.

He said the Palamuru Ranga Reddy lift Irrigation Scheme (Drinking water component) was nearing completion. The irrigation component of the lift scheme would also be completed soon benefiting the farmers in erstwhile Mahabubnagar district.

The Kaleshwaram project which had been supporting irrigation in North Telangana district would be able to come to the rescue of the South Telangana districts also.
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