TS BJP president and Union minister G. Kishan Reddy on Tuesday said that the Congress government in the state was neither sincere in implementing the poll promises nor has any agenda to mobilise funds for the implementation of its tall poll promises. He said Congress leader Rahul Gandhi came out with new promises to fool the people at the party’s recent Tukkuguda meet, but did not speak a word about the Six Guarantees and other poll promises made during the Assembly election campaign.
“KCR and his family members have exploited al resources for 10 years for their selfish gains. With the change of rule from the BRS to the Congress, the people in the state have fallen victims from the hands of a thief to a dacoit. The BRS and the Congress have the same DNA. The Congress and the BRS follow the same dynasty politics. The BRS indulged in sand, land and liquor scams and the Congress is looting the state with Rahul Gandhi Tax by extracting from the contractors, builders and other means, “ Kishan Reddy said.
“The Congress assured that it will implement all poll promises within 100 days,
but ditched the people. The Congress means family politics and corrupt governance. Telangana people are the most awakened ones. They are politically aware, socially conscious and culturally active and they will teach a good lesson to Congress in upcoming Lok Sabha polls,” he said. The BJP leader said that the people in Karnataka had realised that the Congerss was not keeping its promise, and the BJP would clinch 25 Lok Sabha seats in the state. He was speaking after some BRS and Congress leaders from Zaheeerabad and Nalgonda joined the party.
Exuding confidence that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will once again take charge, Kishan Reddy said Rahul Gandhi would go to Italy after the Lok Sabha polls. Earlier, former minister Anjanaeyulu, former MLA Pandari, ZPTC member Raju Rathod, and other former ZPTC members, former MPTC members, and caste group leaders under the leadership of party’s Zaheerabad candidate B.B. Patil joined the BJP in presence of Kishan Reddy. Former MLA Rama Raju from Nalgonda and his supporters also joined the party in large numbers.