State BJP president and Union minister G. Kishan Reddy on Friday said that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi can never become Prime Minister and that the Congress government in the state can never implement its Six Guarantees. Speaking to media persons after some BRS leaders from Uppal and Jubilee Hills Assembly segments, including former MBC Corporation chairman Taduri Srinivas, joined the party at the state BJP head office at Nampally, Kishan Reddy said that the Congress had cheated Telangana people by making false promises under its youth and mahila declarations.
“It failed to honour its poll promises of Six Guarantees even after 120 days of coming to power. The Congress has no moral right to go before the public in the coming Lok Sabha polls. Unlike Telangana, the people in BJP-ruled states are not facing power cuts,” Kishan Reddy said. “The BJP will win a majority of Lok Sabha seats in Congress-ruled Karnataka and Himachal Pradesh.”
Elsewhere, speaking about the services rendered by former deputy prime minister Babu Jagjivan Ram on the occasion of his birth anniversary, Kishan Reddy said the Dalit leader had played a key role in uniting democratic forces against the Emergency imposed by the then Congress government led by Indira Gandhi.
“The BJP, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has been taking inspiration from such tall leaders like Babu Jagjivan Ram and working with a motive of all-round welfare of Dalit and weaker sections.” After joining the Janata Party, Jagjivan Ram along with Jayaprakash Narayan, Morarji Desai, Chowdhary Charan Singh, Chandrasekhar, Atal Behari Vajpayee and L.K. Advani played a key role in bringing the Janata Party to power. “When we as student leaders worked to make Babu Jagjivan Ram as the Prime Minister from the Janata Party in 1980, the Congress defeated him”, he said.