After Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao’s historic announcement of recruitment to over 80,000 vacancies in various departments, the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) is now gearing up for its biggest mission yet.
The Commission has already made elaborate arrangements for issuing notifications within one week from the day it receives necessary indents from different government departments. Towards this, the TSPSC has written to the departments to ensure that information related to job vacancies like rosters, syllabus and eligibility criteria are all error-free.
After issuing the notification, the Commission will give one month for applications and one to three months for preparation.
“The Commission is geared up to take up the recruitment which will be done with utmost transparency,” TSPSC Chairman Dr B Janardhan Reddy told.
Since its inception, the Commission has been maintaining utmost transparency in recruitment. Taking this a step further, it has decided to implement randomisation using a computer for selecting experts for interview panels. Already, a token number system has been put in place to ensure that a candidate’s credentials are hidden from the panel, leaving no scope for unfairness or favouritism during the interview.
The syllabus for recruitment to vacancies of Group I, II, III, and IV has not been changed. The syllabus, prepared by a group of experts after the State formation, will remain the same for all Group posts, he said.
Further, while the TSPSC has been releasing the key
after a recruitment exam and receiving objections on the same, from now on, it will also make available the answer sheets of candidates for download. However, this would be available only after declaration of the merit list, Reddy said.
In view of the new Presidential Order, an edit option for One-Time Registration (OTR) will be given to government job aspirants. Candidates can ascertain to which district, zone and multi-zone they belong to on entering their Classes I to VII study details in the OTR. So far, the TSPSC has received 24.94 lakh OTRs.
As several candidates had made errors particularly while entering their credentials on the OMR sheets, the Commission will create awareness on common mistakes and how to avoid them in the exams, he said.
From July 2015 to December 2021, the TSPSC had notified 36,792 job vacancies through 109 recruitment notifications and completed the selection process to 35,030 vacancies.
E-question paper for Group-I exam on cards
The TSPSC is exploring the option of providing e-question papers to candidates appearing for the Group-I Main examination. Unlike the regular practice of issuing hard copies of the question paper to candidates, it will be displayed on a computer screen on entering a code.
By harnessing technology, the Commission is planning to implement this e-question paper system which will prevent question paper leakage. At present, the system is deployed for half-yearly examinations for All India Service officers working in the State.