The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has rolled out a cess for the Telangana Green Fund requiring traders in Hyderabad who seek to obtain a new license or renew an old one will be charged an additional 10 percent of the fee if it is up to Rs 5,000, or a fixed amount of Rs 1,000 for licences above Rs 5,000.
The GHMC has urged traders to renew their trade licenses by January 31 to
avoid penalties as licenses will be automatically renewed upon payment of the fee.
Renewals may be done at any mee-seva centre or common service centre, GHMC head office or circle offices. Traders who fail to renew their licenses by January 31 will face penalties with a 25 percent increase in fees for renewals between February 1 and March 31, and a 50 percent increase for renewals after April 1.