BRS working president KT Rama Rao charged Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy with conspiracy to divide Hyderabad within Outer Ring Road, into three to four parts in collusion with BJP. He termed the plan politically motivated, which was detrimental to Hyderabad’s growth. He said both the Congress and the BJP had a covert agreement to win eight MP seats each, while both of them were falsely portraying BRS as the B-Team of the other party.

Speaking at a preparatory meeting for the Deeksha Divas programme at Telangana Bhavan on Tuesday, Rama Rao criticised both Congress and BJP for attempting to damage Hyderabad’s reputation and manipulate the upcoming elections. He pointed out the inconsistency in actions of BJP leaders like union Minister Bandi Sanjay and MP Raghunandan Rao, recalling their initial support for the HYDRAA demolitions, but subsequently criticising the same following public outrage.

The BRS working president also charged Revanth Reddy with sending money to the BJP and Congress leadership to safeguard his position. He also dismissed any need for BRS to ally with BJP. Pointing out public

dissatisfaction, he criticised Revanth Reddy’s administration, stating that he had failed to connect with the people and caused them widespread suffering.

Rama Rao listed issues faced by farmers, students, employees, and other sections under Congress rule. Due to the atrocities of the current Congress regime, he said people were coming to Telangana Bhavan to pour out their grievances and seek help. “People are now regreting their decision to vote for the Congress after beliving its false promises. They also realised the value of former Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao‘s leadership amidst the current turmoil. Telangana Bhavan has become a Janata Garage,” he remarked.

He thanked Hyderabad citizens for rejecting the Congress in the recent Assembly elections in GHMC area and urged BRS workers to expose the failures of the Congress government. He called on party cadres to ensure the success of the Deeksha Divas programme and pledged to stand by citizens during their struggles.

Several senior BRS leaders, including MLAs and former Ministers, participated in the meeting.
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