Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy on Monday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BRS chief K. Chandrashekar Rao of colluding to first “deceive and destroy Telangana state over the past 10 years” and second, to defeat the Congress in the Lok Sabha polls. Addressing a press conference in the Secretariat on Monday, Revanth Reddy offered to hold a special session of the Legislative Assembly, daring the BRS and BJP to debate in the House over the poll promises made by BRS and BJP in 2014 and 2019 and by Congress in 2023.

“Modi promised to double farmers’ incomes, bring back black money from Swiss banks and transfer `15 lakh to account of every Indian and provide houses for all by 2024, among others, during 2014 and 2019 elections. Did he fulfil even one major poll promise? Why should people vote for Modi or BJP again?” he said. “Similarly, BRS made several promises in its manifesto in the 2014 and 2018 Assembly polls. 

Congress promised Six Guarantees in December 2023. We already started implementing two guarantees and another two guarantees will be launched on February 27. We are ready for a debate on poll promises of BRS, BJP and Congress by conducting a special session of Assembly. If they have guts, they should accept our challenge,” the Chief Minister


He said that Modi failed to fulfil the promises made to Telangana in the AP Reorganisation Act, 2014, accusing Chandrashekar Rao of not doing enough to pressurise the Modi government to implement the promises. “Together, they both deceived and destroyed Telangana,” he said. Revanth Reddy also slammed BRS leaders K.T. Rama Rao and T. Harish Rao, and BJP state president Union minister G. Kishan Reddy for criticising the Congress government. “Three of them are speaking on the same lines against Congress government every day. This shows how BJP and BRS are in nexus to attack Congress,” Revanth Reddy said.

He said that the state government will set up Dr B.R. Ambedkar Knowledge Centre in each of the 119 Assembly constituencies of the state to impart free training to youth aspiring for government jobs. These knowledge centres have been envisaged to avoid problems for youth, particularly girls from poorer sections, in coming to the state capital to get coaching to prepare for the examinations and also those from poorer sections who cannot afford private coaching centres. Accordingly, these centres will ensure that aspiring youth are provided free training in online mode with experts in various subjects, he said.

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