Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy on Wednesday said he will focus on unresolved issues between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh as the state marks its 10th anniversary on June 2. During a review meeting with officials at the Secretariat on several issues, he directed the officials to prepare a report on all the pending issues related to distribution of assets and debts between Telangana and AP

The distribution to the organisations and corporations mentioned in Schedule 9 and Schedule 10 in the AP Reorganisation Act has not yet been completed and a number of issues are still pending. There was no consensus between the two states on many issues. The dues of the power companies are still outstanding. The two states — Andhra Pradesh and Telangana — were ordered to resolve issues like transfer of employees that could be resolved amicably. The Chief Minister alerted the officials to resolve the issues of reconciliation between the two states and take further action to protect the interests of Telangana on the pending

Hyderabad, which is the joint capital of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, will become the capital of Telangana state alone as the 10-year deadline fixed under the AP Reorganisation Act will be completed on June 2. 

He has directed the authorities to take over the buildings like Lake View Guest House allotted to AP after June 2. A comprehensive report will be prepared on the matters pending under the Redistricting Act, the details of which have so far been distributed by consensus between the two states. The Chief Minister has decided to arrange a meeting of the state Cabinet on May 18. In the meeting, the pending issues in the State Reorganisation Act and the pending issues with AP will be discussed. Apart from this, farmers' loan waiver, grain purchases and next kharif crop planning will be discussed. The Chief Minister also inquired about the process of grain procurement. He directed to take steps to ensure smooth procurement of grains from farmers without any trouble.

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