Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy will begin the Congress campaign for the Lok Sabha elections with a public meeting at Indravelli in Adilabad district, on January 26. Commencing his tour across all districts in phases from the same day, it marks the Chief Minister’s first public address since assuming office on December 7. Drawing on the Indravelli sentiment, he has chosen the same location where he addressed the inaugural public meeting, ‘Dalitha Girijana Dandora’,  as TPCC president in August 2021.

On Monday, Revanth Reddy met five district in-charge ministers and MLAs at MCRHRD institute. Engaging separately with party leaders from Adilabad, Nizamabad, Medak, Mahbubnagar, and Hyderabad districts, the Chief Minister urged leaders to strive their best for the Congress victory in Lok Sabha elections.

Advising Adilabad leaders, Revanth Reddy directed them to make arrangements for

laying the foundation of a memorial for Indravelli martyrs. The government, he assured, will identify the bereaved families of the martyrs and extend comprehensive support. District in-charge ministers were assigned responsibilities for the development of respective Assembly constituencies.

Reiterating his inclusive approach to the welfare and development of the state, in contrast to his predecessor, the Chief Minister assured MLAs of his availability after January 26. He specified that he will be accessible in the Secretariat three days a week, between 4 pm to 6 pm.

Showing enthusiasm for the Lok Sabha elections, Revanth Reddy urged leaders to surpass the achievements of the recent Assembly elections. He called upon party leaders and workers to secure victory for Congress in more than 12 out of 17 Lok Sabha seats in Telangana state.

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