Transport Minister P Ajay Kumar conducted surprise inspections at Khammam bus stand on Wednesday. The Minister, along with the RTC officials, visited the bus stand and interacted with passengers, drivers and conductors. During the inspection, he found that a conductor of Kodad bus depot was not carrying hand sanitiser in violation of the guidelines.

Expressing his ire, the Minister questioned the conductor why he was not carrying hand sanitiser, and the latter answered that he was not given sanitiser at the depot. Then the Minister called Nalgonda RTC Regional Manager over phone, explained the matter and directed him to take disciplinary action against concerned depot manager (DM).
Later speaking to the press, Ajay Kumar informed that instructions were given to the RTC depot managers to provide hand sanitiser to all on-duty drivers and conductors. If

any driver or conductor was found without sanitiser while operating service, concerned depot managers will be held responsible and action will be initiated against them, he warned.

The Minister told the conductors not to issue tickets to the passengers without face masks and don’t allow passengers on the buses. Physical distancing must be maintained strictly while operating the bus service.

He also urged the passengers to wear face masks and maintain social distance at bus stands. He informed that occupancy rate in the buses was less on the first day of resuming services and hoped improvement in occupancy from Wednesday onwards.

Mayor G Papalal, District Collector RV Karnan, Municipal Commissioner Anurag Jayanthi and RTC Regional Manager SVG Krishna Murthy were present.

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