Popular Bollywood actor Salman Khan, who is in the city for the shooting of his latest movie, joined the Green India Challenge on Wednesday.
Accompanied by Rajya Sabha MP J.Santosh Kumar, who initiated the popular Green India Challenge, Salman Khan planted saplings at Ramoji Film City. He called upon the citizens to take the responsibility of protecting the environment and to plant trees.
“Planting trees is the only way to prevent the perils posed by changes in environment,”
Salman Khan said while urging his fans also to become part of Green India Challenge.
Meanwhile, spreading the message on the need to conserve environment, the Green India Challenge reached Antartica. A team comprising 150 members from 35 countries had traveled to Antartica to study environmental issues and a Green India Challenge volunteer met environmental leader and public speaker Robert Swan of Foundation-2041, and detailed him about the initiative.