The health condition of Sritej, the nine-year-old boy who was injured during the premier of Pushpa-II movie at Sandhya theatre, continues to critical, according to attending pediatric specialists from Krishna Institute Medical Sciences (KIMS) Cuddles, Secunderabad, Dr Chetan R Mundada and Dr Vishnu Tej Pudi on Tuesday.
“Child Sritej continues to remain in PICU needing mechanical ventilation with minimal support of oxygen and pressures. His fever is reducing and on minimal inotropes, his vital parameters are stable. He is tolerating feeds well. In view of static neurological status, tracheostomy is being planned to facilitate weaning from
ventilator,” the health bulletin said.
Meanwhile, Hyderabad City Police Commissioner C. V. Anand and Health Secretary Dr. Christina visited KIMS Hospital on behalf of the State government to inquire about the health of Sritej.
Speaking on the occasion, the Commissioner said that Sri Teja was brain dead due to lack of breathing during the stampede and that it will take a long time to recover.
Health Secretary Dr. Christina said that authorities are monitoring Sritej regularly and hoped for his speedy recovery. The hospital medical team, Akshansh Yadav, DCP Central Zone and others were present.