Sanjeev Kishore, General Manager, South Central Railway conducted a detailed inspection of Cherlapally satellite terminal and electric loco shed, Lallaguda, on Friday. He was accompanied by R Dhananjayulu, Principal Chief Operations Manager, J K Jain, Principal Chief Mechanical Engineer, Somesh Kumar, Principal Chief Electrical Engineer, AK Gupta, Divisional Railway Manager, Secunderabad Division and other senior officials during the inspection.
Sanjeev Kishore conducted an extensive inspection of the ongoing
works at Cherlapally station which is being developed as a new and alternate coaching terminal for twin cities. The satellite terminal will ease the congestion at the existing three terminals — Hyderabad, Secunderabad and Kacheguda stations.
As part of the development at Cherlapally, several works are in progress including widening of existing island platform, new platform along with new line for MMTS trains and extension of foot over bridge for new high level platforms.