Rachakonda police have busted a fake educational certificates racket operating from Chaitanyapuri by arresting seven persons. The prime accused in the case which has been registered in Chaitanyapuri police station was Akula Ravi Avinash, who was into forging engineering, degrees and intermediate certificates and selling them to aspirants who want to study in foreign countries or get jobs in various private companies in India. He is absconding. 

The police are trying to figure out where he has holed up. They expect to pick him up soon. Ravi forged documents with the help of three mediators who have been arrested.

One of his agents named Chinthakayala Venkateshwarlu approached Ravi in the beginning and stated he wanted to join his illegal racket and make money out of it.Police identified him as the correspondent for two private colleges Vignan Junior College and Balaji Degree College in Himayatnagar and Moinabad. 

He shut the colleges due to financial losses and later colluded with Ravi and started supplying

forged documents like Consolidated Memorandum of Marks, Provisional Certificates, Memorandum of Marks, Transcript Report, Faculty of Engineering Certificates, Faculty of Commerce, Faculty of Science, Empty Bonafide Certificates having a stamp and signature, Empty Transfer Certificates with stamp and signature and Empty Migration Certificates having stamp and signature.

The accused provided forged documents at a price of Rs 3 to Rs 3.5 lakh and provided them to close to 100 college dropouts who are pursuing jobs and higher studies abroad. The prime accused is still on the run. The police are making attempts to nab him. The police are also identifying those individuals who obtained the fake documents.

Provided forged documents for Rs 3.5 lakh
The accused provided forged documents at a price of Rs 3 to Rs 3.5 lakh and provided them to close to 100 college dropouts who are pursuing jobs and higher studies abroad. While the prime accused is still on the run, the police are also identifying those individuals who obtained the fake documents
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