Several parts of Hyderabad witnessed bursts of heavy rain accompanied with thunder on Sunday. Areas that reported widespread rains in Hyderabad on Sunday include Khairatabad, Banjara Hills, Moosapet, Erragadda, Kukatpally, Borabanda, Sanathnagar and Begumpet.
Few districts of Telangana including Rangareddy, Mahabubnagar and Wanaparthy have also received heavy rains on Sunday.
For the
next 24-hours, Indian Metrological Department (IMD), Hyderabad has forecasted thunderstorms accompanied with lightening at isolated places in few districts of Telangana for the next 24 hours.
The IMD has also said that maximum day-time temperatures are likely to increase by at least 2 to 3 degree Celsius all over the State on Monday. The twin cities recorded maximum temperature at 39.8 degree Celsius, on Sunday.