The Chandrayangutta police arrested six auto-rickshaw drivers on charges of performing dangerous stunts with their vehicles on the road and putting the lives of other motorists and pedestrians at risk.
The arrested persons are Syed Zubair, Syed Sahil, Mohd. Innayath, Ghulam Saifuddin, Mohd. Sameer, Amir Khan, from Tolichowki. The absconding driver is Mohd. Ibrahim.
Police said, the suspects were performing stunts with the auto-rickshaws between DRDL main road in Kanchanbagh and Chandrayangutta around 12.30 am on Friday.
“Their stunts are an act that endangered human life, and obstructed the free flow of traffic and chance of causing hurt to others. On seeing the police patrolling
staff, they fled from the spot towards Mailardevpally,” said an official.
The patrol staff noted the vehicle registration numbers, based on which they were identified and arrested. Three of the auto-rickshaws had pending traffic challans against them.