Six members of a family, including two kids, were killed in a horrific road accident in the Kamareddy district of Telangana on Saturday, December 18. The tragic accident happened in the afternoon when an SUV with 12 passengers collided with a stationary lorry on the side of National Highway 161, in Bichkunda mandal near Banswada. The passengers were a family from Hyderabad’s Chaderghat neighbourhood who were returning from a visit to a dargah in Maharashtra’s Nanded, police said.
According to Banswada DSP (Deputy Superintendent of Police) Jaipal Reddy, Ameer Taj, a resident of Chaderghat, had gone for a trip to the dargah with his family two days ago. While
returning on December 18, their car was allegedly speeding a little, and hit a stationary lorry parked on the side of the road from behind, the DSP said. The incident happened under the limits of Pedda Kodapgal police station in the Banswada division.
Two women and two children — a boy and a girl — were killed in the accident, police said. The driver of the vehicle, and Ameer Taj, who was seated next to him, also died in the accident. The remaining six people were sent to the Banswada government hospital for treatment. Some of them who are in a critical condition will be sent to Nizamabad, the DSP said, adding that a case has been registered over the accident.