This was disclosed by Minister for Municipal Administration K. T. Rama Rao while replying to a question in the Telangana Assembly on Monday. The four skyways to be taken up forthwith would have connectivity with the national high ways. As a matter of fact, the government has decided to spend Rs.8000 crores for taking up laying of new roads, widening of existing roads and constructing 18 news junctions, he added.
style="font-size:13pt;color:black"> KTR
further stated that the government would also take required steps immediately
to increase the PV Narasimha Rao Expressway for connectivity to Tolichowki. The
government would also take up road widening works in the Old City
on a war footing. The metro rail project also being speeded up, he said and
pointed out that the traffic bottlenecks and repair works are delaying the
completion of the project
MIM Floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi said that the people living in the GHMC limits have given a massive mandate to the TRS and also MIM to take up various developmental activities to make Hyderabad one of the best cities in the world. Therefore he suggested that the government should take various suggestions from MIM and fulfill the aspirations of the people who had voted both parties to power in the GHMC.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?