BJP senior leader and Central Minister Smrithi Zubin Irani today alleged that the corrupt collaboration between the ruling TRS and MIM is harming the interests of citizens and appealed to the people of Hyderabad to refuse the illegal alliance during the Corporation elections.
Addressing to the media conference in Hyderabad, she said the partnership is hurting the interests of individuals by permitting illegal migrants including Rohingyas and Bangladeshis to enter the appointive rolls and get resident rights. She needed the TRS
government to enquire into the media reports in which illegal migrants failed MIM for helping them getting voting rights.
She said the ruling TRS government did not initiate an enquiry against the MIM leaders and the two parties are trying to get a political advantage from the illegal migrants. She alleged that the MIM is trying to weaken the country from inside by helping illegal migrants. She also held responsible for the TRS and MIM for over 75 thousand encroachments that led to the recent floods and depriving the old city of development.