Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar directed the district collectors to ensure that all the gram panchayats and other habitations have at least one Palle Prakruthi Vanam. The Vanams will be developed on the lines of urban tree parks whereas at least an urban tree park will be developed in every ward of all the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in the State.

The Palle Prakruthi Vanams were envisaged in accordance with Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao’s directions to develop greenery in both urban and rural areas.

The Chief Secretary also asked the collectors to regularly review with the municipal commissioners on the work of identification of street vendors in their respective ULBs to ensure that all deserving street vendors are enumerated. In order to ensure more transparency in governance, the collectors were also told to implement e-office in their respective districts.

As per the

directions of the Chief Minister, Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar held a meeting with the district collectors in Hyderabad here on Tuesday and took stock of the progress achieved in identification of lands for special food processing zones, implementation of e-office system in districts, Palle Prakruthi Vanams, urban tree parks, identification of street vendors, construction of Rythu Vedikas, management of COVID-19 treatment and maintenance of revenue records among other issues.

Principal Secretary for Municipal Administration Arvind Kumar, Principal Secretary for IT and Industries Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary for General Administration Department (Political) Vikas Raj, Panchayat Raj Secretary Sandeep Kumar Sultania, Health Secretary Syed Ali Murtaza Rizvi, Panchayat Raj commissioner Raghunandan Rao, senior consultant for Finance Siva Shankar and other officials also attended.

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