Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar on Friday reviewed the progress of Strategic Nala Development Plan (SNDP) works and directed the officials to take up the works in a mission mode.
During the review, the Chief Secretary said the will be monitoring the progress of these works on weekly basis. The officials were asked to profile each work in a power point presentation and include map of the work, properties affected, nearest 2BHK site and utilities that require diversion.
team of officers from various departments would be allocated for each SNDP work with the review of the works to be done by the Chief Secretary every Tuesday at 10.30 am. The field visits would also be conducted every week on important nalas.
Arvind Kumar, Special Chief Secretary, MA&UD department, DS Lokesh Kumar, GHMC Commissioner, along with Engineer-in-Chief, Public Health, Engineer-in-Chief, GHMC and Zonal Commissioners, GHMC attended the meeting.