A two-judge panel of the Telangana High Court comprising Chief Justice Ujjal Bhuyan and Justice Vijay Bhasker Reddy on Thursday opined that the State government must provide compensation for the sewage workers especially the contract and casual workers across Telangana. The panel was dealing with a PIL filed by S Jeevan Kumar.
The petitioner sought a direction for carrying out a comprehensive medical check-up of all the sewage workers. He further sought that the services of the sewage workers should not be
terminated by the contractors or the municipal authorities and to provide sewage workers comprehensive medical treatment free of cost as long as the treatment is required.
The panel also threw light on the fact as to whether daily wage workers or workers employed on contract be treated the same as permanent workers. The panel observed that since it was a socially sensitive issue, it needed a detailed hearing. The matter will now be heard on September 7.