Telangana minister for Animal Husbandry Talasani Srinivas Yadav on Monday held a meeting with government officials from various departments in his constituency of Sanath Nagar with regards to finishing all arrangements in preparation for Ramzan, which will begin in about a week’s time.
The minister enquired about the ongoing preparation works at the meeting organised with officials from the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), electrical, water works, horticulture and other departments with members of the mosque committee. He directed officials to take care and not cause any inconvenience to Muslims during the month-long fasting
Sanitation officials were given clear instructions to keep surroundings of mosques clean and to move garbage and other waste every day. Yadav directed the water board officials to take necessary measures to avoid any sewerage leaks in the vicinity of the mosques. He added that water supply to mosques should not be disrupted and steps should be taken to supply water by tankers to the required areas.
The minister also instructed the electricity department officials to visit all the mosques and check whether all the lights are functional and take steps to set up lights where necessary and install halogen lights at major mosques.