Telangana along with Haryana are the only major States to have found a spot among the six States/Union Territories which have achieved the coveted status of cent per cent households with tap water supply. The others are Goa, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Puducherry, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, and Haryana.
As per the Economic Survey 2021-22 Report tabled in the Parliament on Monday, about 5.51 crore households in India were provided with tap water supply under Jal Jeevan Mission as on January 2.
Incidentally, Telangana is the only State to have achieved the feat with the Centre
providing only Rs 2,324.42 crore till 2021-22 budget year which is around six per cent of the total expenditure of around Rs 45,000 crore under Mission Bhagiratha programme.
Meanwhile, Telangana was listed among the frontrunners in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a score of 69 points as per the NITI Aayog SDG India Index and Dashboard 2020-21. The national average was 66 points. Among more than a dozen categories, Telangana performed well among other States with a score of 100 points in Affordable and Clean Energy as well as 96 points in Clean Water and Sanitation.