Telangana Urban Development Minister K Tarakarama Rao has said a financial assistance of over 2,062 crore rupees has been provided to 142 urban local bodies (ULBs) under the ‘Pattana Pragathi’ (Urban Progress) programme. The state launched the fourth phase of Pattana Pragati programme yesterday. Under the programme, sanitation and improvement of basic infrastructure activities in the urban local bodies.
Unveiling an annual report on
the municipal administration and urban development department, the Minister said, the urban population in the state is pegged at 46.8 per cent against the national average of 31.16 per cent, putting it among the top three urbanised states. He further said, measures are being taken to make Hyderabad as one of the top 30 cities in the world with respect to the quality of life and economic competitiveness.