On Saturday, cops in Hyderabad were able to identify the victim with the help of a pending e-challan against the number plate, which got detached from the charred car. It was discovered that the number plate got detached on Outer Ring Road (ORR) in Shamshabad on Saturday night.
To track down the family in the car, the cops recovered the call detail record (CDR) on the mobile number linked to the vehicle number/e-challan.
Reports suggest that the burnt was identified as N Sudheer, 39, an orthopedic doctor from the KPHB colony.
According to Shamshabad SI K Satya Kumar, Sudheer left his house in the KPHB at around 6:30 pm, without telling him exactly where he was headed. The cops found that he went on the ORR at Gachibowli and the fire station in the sedan at Pedda Golconda.
The incident was reported to be around 08:00 pm, and the car was already in flames before he could stop. By the time fire engines could disengage the fire around 08:45 pm, he was burnt
entirely black. Police suspect that his seat belt must have been stuck and the doors jammed, trapping him inside the car when the car caught fire.
A Shamshabad cop told the media that the victim's legs, hands, and head were wholly burnt. The remaining body was stuck to the rods of the burnt car seat. It was a challenging situation as because of the body getting stuck to the seat, it was difficult to get it out.
N Prakash Reddy, the DCP, soon after the incident reached the spot along with some senior officers. Another challenging aspect later was to identify the victim. With the body entirely burnt, mobile phone and wallet burnt to ashes, it became more difficult.
During the investigation, the cops found the car's number plate, which survived the fire as it had got detached from the vehicle. Using the vehicle number, the cops were able to find the linked phone number and an e-challan pending on it. Cops accessed the CDR to reach out to the doctor's sister, the last person he spoke to.