The Telangana Education Commission, headed by Chairman A Murali, submitted its report yesterday to state Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari regarding the implementation of the Midday Meal Scheme and mess facilities in government schools and residential institutions. This follows a series of food poisoning incidents in schools across the state in the last few months that raised concerns about food safety and quality.
Over the past few weeks, the Commission, with members Prof. Vishweshwara Rao, Dr Charakoda Venkatesh, and Jyotsna Shiva Reddy, conducted inspections in hundreds of government schools, residential institutions, hostels, KGBVs, and Anganwadi centres across all 33 districts of the state. The team reviewed
kitchen facilities, food preparation, storage practices, and dining arrangements to assess the conditions under which meals are provided to students.
Extensive discussions were held with stakeholders, including parents, mess owners, and teachers, to gather feedback and recommendations for improving the quality and safety of meals served to students. The report aims to provide actionable insights to ensure better food standards in schools and prevent food poisoning incidents.
The government is expected to review the findings and take necessary steps to address the identified gaps and enhance the overall well-being of students.