The Centre allotted funds worth Rs 262.19 crore to Telangana for the development of highways in the State. The Centre’s move came in response to letters written by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao seeking to enhance the allotment of funds to the State. The State government submitted proposals worth Rs 744 crore for the development of 42 highways.
The Telangana government had twice appealed to the Centre to allot Central Road Funds (CRF) to the State. As a result, the Centre allotted the funds for the financial year 2021-22, a statement from Khammam MP Nama Nageswara Rao said here on Saturday. In July a delegation of TRS MPs led by the party Lok Sabha floor leader Nageswara Rao also submitted a memorandum to Union Transport Minister
Nitin Gadkari urging to expedite allotment of the CRF funds.
The MP informed that details of the development of roads proposed for the year 2011 have been submitted to the Centre in March. The Union government was also asked to speed up releasing of pending CRF funds.
Of the total funds, two road development works worth Rs 35 crore have been allotted to Khammam district following a special appeal made to Union Minister Gadkari. The funds would be spent on widening and strengthening a 15.5 km road from Chintakani to Konijerla. In addition, construction of the high-level bridge at Eshwaramadharam village in Kusumanchi mandal would be taken up with Rs 15 crore to connect the local villages, Nageswara Rao informed.