The Telangana Governor, who is also chancellor of universities in the State, is conducting an essay writing competition on the topic ‘India @ centenary year of Independence-My vision’ as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
The competition is for the youth and university students aged between 18-30 years to project their innovative, novel ideas and imaginative skills on the topic. The best 75 essays will be selected and candidates will be felicitated at Raj Bhavan on August 15, according to a press release.
Participants should be youth and college students of State Universities in the State. The essays / articles can be written in four languages i.e., English / Hindi / Telugu / Urdu, it said, adding that the papers
should be submitted in both MS Word & PDF formats to or latest by August 9.
The article should not be more than 3,000 words with an abstract of 250 words. The papers will be evaluated based on the novelty of contribution, originality of thought, and the ability to stimulate interest, it said.
The participants must include their details-name, father’s name, mother’s name, education qualification, date of birth (SSC memo) to be enclosed, e-mail id, primary mobile number, secondary mobile number, if any and address for correspondence. They should give a declaration that the essay is their own work, it added.