Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao extended greetings to the handloom workers on the occasion of National Handloom Day on Sunday. The State government launched its ambitious ‘Nethanna ku Bima’ scheme to mark the National Handloom Day.
About 80,000 weaver families will benefit under the scheme. The beneficiaries will get Rs 5 lakh insurance coverage and in case of his/her untimely death, the amount will be given to the bereaved family members.
In a statement, the Chief Minister said the State government was successfully implementing many schemes for the welfare and development of weavers. The new scheme was
first-of-its-kind in the entire country, providing financial security to the families of weavers and their families. “This is our commitment towards people’s welfare,” he said.
Chandrashekhar Rao said while the Telangana government was working towards development and welfare of the weavers, the Central government was not supporting the initiative and instead, increasing taxation on both the handloom and the powerloom sectors.
“Notwithstanding the hardships, the State government will continue to support the handloom sector as well as the weavers who were depending on it,” he asserted.